Friday, May 10, 2013

Alone vs company

I have essentially been travelling by myself since September last year (other than 7 weeks in New Zealand and Australia and 3 weeks in Africa which a friend joined me for). Travelling without friends is something I have always wanted to do. I wanted to test myself to see if I could handle it. I also wanted to test some of my assumptions about the differences between travelling alone or as part of a group.

After 7 and a half months I'm going to sit on the fence about whether I prefer it to travelling with company - I have concluded there are positives and negatives.

On the plus side I have met a lot more people travelling these last few months than any other trip I've done. People approach people on their own.

I also get to do exactly what I want. Yesterday I was at Menaggio on Lake Como and I literally spent the whole afternoon on a park bench reading a book and watching the world go by. (Lake Como is absolutely stunning, by the way.)

I also don't have to worry about dragging anyone around yet another museum nor do I have to feel guilty when I can't be bothered visiting as particular sight.

On the downside, I have a bunch of incredible memories that I don't really have anyone to reminisce with about. Of course I have made a lot of new friends and so to the extent they were with me I'll have them to reminisce with, and I'll just have to remember the other bits myself - like the ridiculousness today of watching buses try to pass each other on the very narrow roads around Lake Como.  It is probably why I've enjoyed blogging as it has allowed me to express some of my thoughts to someone - even if it is the cyber world!

It is also expensive travelling all alone - the taxis can't be split with anyone and single rooms are expensive. It has meant I've had to sleep in a few more dorm rooms than I care to remember. I'm in a hotel room tonight because I'm flying to Turkey early tomorrow morning and I have to say it is absolute bliss being able to unpack without worrying about spreading my stuff all over the room! (Plus no one snoring to keep me awake!)

I love my own company and being able to do as I please, but I think after close to eight months I've had enough 'Lucy' time for a while. Luckily in just over two months I'll be boarding a one way flight back to New Zealand to begin a new chapter in my life.

Next post will be coming to you from Turkey. 

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